Socio-labor programs for young people

The Project of Integral Itinerary of Insertion PIJOVE -09/20 insert for the 2021 and 2021 exercises that our entity currently carries out with the participation of the SOIB and the co-financing of the European Social Fund (FSE)

The group to be served by the Integral Itinerary of Insertion Project is that of young people in a situation of social exclusion, registered in the national system of Youth Guarantee over 16 and under 30 years old, and with special difficulties of labor insertion.

#SOIBjove #SOIBjoveItinerarisInsercio

All the programs are flexible, allow the incorporation of the person at any time of the year, and adapt to the demand and needs of each individual with a great diversity of actions. Specifically, the following services are offered:

Recipients of comprehensive insertion itineraries.

  1. The comprehensive insertion itinerary services are aimed at young people with special difficulties in inserting themselves into the labor market, registered in the SOIB as applicants, in a situation of unemployment.
  2. The group that the projects of comprehensive integration itineraries must attend to is that of young people at risk of social exclusion, registered in the national youth guarantee system over 16 and under 30 years of age, and with difficulties in finding employment. The definition of the profile of this group is available to interested parties on the web
  3. The people receiving the training must be users of a comprehensive insertion itinerary.
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