Network programmes with other entities

The experience of working in collaboration with external groups or with networks of second and third level, of great value for all the contributions that are given us, has made our entity consider this line of work strategic within the framework of our goals and actions.

Since its inception, Cooperativa Jovent has been developing several initiatives and projects together with other entities. The first trips to several autonomous communities in 1988, and the course that the team conducted in 1993 in Carcassonne to design and lay out the foundations for the pedagogical project of Jovent, made it possible to become aware of the importance of contacts and learning with other entities.

The period from 1995 to 2000 was especially important in terms of networking. The initiatives of the European Social Fund (Youthstart, Horizon and Now) that financed the main projects of the entity at this time, promoted numerous exchanges of methodologies, know-how, materials, the production of didactic tools, etc., with numerous entities from the Spanish state and other countries (France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Greece and Belgium).

In recent years networking has been intensified with participation in networks such as EAPN-Illes Balears (since 2005), the Third Social Sector of the Balearic Islands, Red Corage … or the promotion of neighborhood platforms (sa Indioteria , Son Gibert and El Viver) and expanding the number of projects we carry out with the UIB.

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